- Oregon Recovery Schools Initiative
The mission of the Oregon Recovery High School Initiative (ORHSI) is to provide a safe, sober and supportive gold standard education for youth in recovery, where they can develop the skills and strengths needed for personal, academic, vocational and community success.
- Collective Roots
Collective Roots APG is a family-centered recovery community dedicated to helping families heal from the effects of teen substance use and other high-risk behaviors.
- Alcoholics Anonymous
Portland Area AA Intergroup: Portland, Oregon - Main #: (503) 223-8569
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
AA Online Meetings
- Cocaine Anonymous
- Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
- Refuge Recovery
Refuge Recovery Organization
Refuge Recovery Meetings
- Recovery Dharma
Recovery Dharma
Recovery Dharma Meetings
- SMART Recovery
SMART Recovery Website
SMART Recovery Meetings
- Other Recovery Organizations
LifeRing Secular Recovery
My RecoveryLink
In the Rooms
Women For Sobriety
Co-Dependents Anonymous
Face it Together
- APPS for Phones
"I am sober”
Big Book App
- Family & Parent Support
Families Anonymous
Al-Anon Family Groups